Power Core

Exclusively developed at Thoroughbred, the Power Core is designed to surprise even the most accomplished expert carver. A bamboo power lens tapering into ultra-light bComp tip and tail zones, combined with the only pre-cambered core profile in the industry. This is the ultimate core for carvers.

  • Power Lens: a solid Bamboo lens is at the center for amazing grip and pop that only comes from hand-picked, hard-wood cores
  • Feather Tip & Tail: the power lens tapers into light-weight bCore in the tip in tail for low swing weight so you can initiate turns with ease with less tiring to ride, less stress on the knees = more runs before you get tired
  • Preload Camber: precision machining builds the ski camber into the core (conventional cores are flat). This unique process means that the core builds carving pressure earlier in your turns, making them easier to initiate, quicker to generate carving pressure and cut cleaner.